I used to think there isn’t any possible way that my hobbies and career choice could be more different. If I’m not in front of a computer muscling through debugs, I’m most likely halfway up a mountain somewhere pretty far from home. Even the word “home” has a loose interpretation when I examine my own life. I’ve lived throughout the beautiful State of Michigan (a proud Spartan I might add), Louisville Kentucky, and most recently, Minneapolis Minnesota. Through many adventures, jobs, and dwellings, I’ve always searched for what I was truly passionate about. While the activities have taken many shapes, they all have same outcome, wonder. Wonder is the first time you saw a touch screen phone. Wonder is jumping out of an airplane and seeing the curvature of the Earth, watching Mr. Fredricksen float his house in the clouds, hiking the Adirondack Mountains and Wonder is the lens in which I view the world.

Every project I’ve taken part of on this portfolio is in pursuit of evoking wonder or simply capturing it. To me, to be human is to wonder, to be curious and retrospective. It excites me how technology can make lives easier, more connected, and overall better with creative thinking and a few lines of code. Adventures down rivers, up mountains and through trails are great because of the people that I’ve shared that emotion and story with. In short, I’m a storyteller, photographer, designer, and developer chasing wonder.