I'm Worried for my Generation
I’m worried for my generation, and not in the way you might think. Every ad, every speech, movie, and novel geared towards our generation creates a fantasy that we need to do what we love. And get paid for it.
Well, I don’t. Not exactly anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I followed a major that I was interested and have a decent job. Working on a project that isn’t bland, yet it isn’t writing, or photography, or art, or app design. I’m getting paid to do something because not everyone can and wants to do it.
That was a sucky realization. At first anyway. The truth is that not everyone can be a writer, AND be paid for it. My generation, and myself specifically, believe that if I’m not doing exactly what I love and am being paid then I’m failing myself.
Here’s my conclusion. I will have to work a job where I might not love everything that I do. But I can still do what I love to do, in whatever form that takes. And I won’t get paid for it at first, but I’m also not good. I need to get better, and never stop. That’s how I can do what I love, and maybe someday, only do that.